Report a claim
- you've come to the right place!

Whether household damage, motor vehicle damage or health insurance claims to submit - report it here simply and easily.

24h emergency helpline: 0800 2042222

Tips & information about the claim

The sooner you report the damage, the sooner everything will be back to its normal state.
And we will be happy to send you information and tips for a quick settlement.

Nummer 1

For smaller claims

Please do everything you can to limit the damage. This means, for example, securing the damage area as well as possible without putting yourself or others in danger.

Nummer 2

Document and store

Just in case, please keep the damaged items for inspection. UNIQA explicitly informs you if the damaged area must not be changed.

Nummer 3

Insurance information required

  • Policy number
  • Contact details (e.g. telephone number)
  • Bank details (desired account details for transfer of claim payment)

These are the questions we will ask you:

  • What exactly happened? When and where did it happen?
  • Has an estimate already been made or can you estimate the amount of damage?
  • Do you have photos that you can send these to us?
  • Do you want payment for the damage or do you want a repair?
  • Has a police report already been made (e.g. in the case of theft or parking damage)?

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

What should I do if a damage event has happened?
You must take all measures to minimize the damage. e.g.: In case of water damage, turn off the main water tap, and notify a plumber. The UNIQA emergency hotline 0800 204 22 22, will send a qualified worker to you as soon as possible.
How do I find out if my damage is covered?
In order to receive a confirmation of coverage as quickly as possible, you are welcome to call us during our opening hours or report the claim. We will then take care of the entire process of your claim.
Why do I need a claim number?
You have already reported a claim and received a claim number. Now your car repair shop, the plumber, etc. can deal directly with UNIQA.

If you have any questions regarding the claim, we always ask you to give us the claim number, this saves you and us time, because we have all the necessary information immediately and do not need to ask you again.
What kind of vehicle damage should be reported to the police immediately?
Damage to wildlife, parking damage, fire, explosion break-in / theft, robbery / vandalism, unauthorized use of the vehicle.

Questions or ambiguities? We're here to help!

Contact Consultant
You can reach us at:
Opening hours
Would you like an appointment?
We'll be happy to call you back.