ServiceCenter & Kfz-Zulassungsstelle Wien-Donaucity
37/1 | 1220 Wien
+43 1 213 33 2420 | +43 1
213 33 |
Opening hours
Vehicle registration
access to parking garage for a fee
Electric charging station
Bicycle stand
Where to find us
Public transport

You can use the following services at our location:

Our Management
The satisfaction of our customers and our team is our biggest focus. Therefore, basic human values are more in the foreground for us. But we don't achieve success by talking about it, success always lies in doing. It is important to us to let our customers know that we are a reliable partner even in times of change and that we are constantly working on our further development.
Business Card

The pandemic has changed a lot - including the way we work. The new concept for the Vienna site is our response to these changed conditions. We are deliberately breaking new ground. On the one hand, we want to offer our customers optimal on-site support in a pleasant atmosphere. On the other hand, we want to position ourselves today in the best possible way for the working world of the future," says Alfred Vlcek, Country Director Vienna, on the reasons for the redesign.
Join our consulting team
We offer
Exciting and varied activities
Performance-based salary
Free time management
(home office)
Social Benefits
(e.g. company pension)