Schaden melden

Ihnen ist ein Schaden passiert? Wir sind für Sie da.

  • Heute geöffnet bis 16:30
  • +43 1 213 33

Step 1 of 1

My data
(Optional - Not required)
(not required)
Report Claim
(Optional - Kein Pflichtfeld)
(max. 5 files , max. 10MB)
Files types: .jpg, .png
(not required)
(max. 5 files, max. 10MB) File types: .jpg, .png, .pdf 
Note: Upload only in case of car accidents
More injured
I hereby authorize the ServiceCenter & Motor Vehicle Registration Office Nussdorfer Straße to process my claim, to inspect the related files and to sign damage-related forms on your behalf.
I have been informed about the data protection information and I take note of it: Privacy Policy

Report your claim to us!

Your benefits:

  • Report a claim - we do everything else. Your consultant takes care of all the following procedures. 
  • Immediate pay-out possible for damages up to € 3.000.
You can reach us at:
Opening hours
Would you like an appointment?
We'll be happy to call you back.